My Kasper App

App concept development and integration with a CRM system

Project Overview

Project Description:

The scope of the project is to build the architecture and design of a management app, where employees of Kasper Development can perform daily tasks and requests faster and more efficient. The project aims to digitalise existing manual processes through a mobile app that is easy-to-use by all company employees. 

Problem Description:

The problem comes from long processes, done the old-fashion way – employees had to physically sign their presence everyday or manually fill in a form requesting days off. This is a long process, that takes time both from the employee and the HR representative that has to verify data, instead of it being easily accessible for both parties. 


The core objectives of this project are to: digitalise existing manual processes, build an easy-to-use mobile application that cuts down process time, build a data architecture that can be easily integrated with the EPR system in use – SoftOne. The scope is to develop the HR section of the ERP to include employee data that is easy to manage and customise. 


Autumn – Winter 2019


Student – Final AP (Academic Professional) Degree Thesis, Multimedia Design and Communication


Adobe XD

Adobe Photoshop


1. Setting the scene

Before starting the data or design architecture, it’s essential to set up the scene to properly understand the processes and build a cohesive solution – match the corporate branding . 

The Design process

The Main Page - LogIn


Registering the working hours